2013 AI President's Award
Sandra Adomatis, was honored with the President's Award at the Appraisal Institutes Annual Meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2013 in Indianapolis, IN.
Read About it Here
In addition to her 25 plus years in real estate appraising, Sandra has served as an active SRA member of the Appraisal Institute since 1985. Sandra is an approved instructor and has served on national and local educational committies.
Currently she is an instructor for residential seminars and courses through the Appraisal Institute. She is a national speaker on the topic of Green and Energy Efficient House Values, a past president of the West Coast Florida Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and a published author in the Appraisal Journal. A list of articles and classes are available through this webstite.
Sandra's most recent assigments include...
• Condemnation - 96 residential properties including vacant lots and improved sites
• Expert Witness - more than 75 residential property appraisal reviews for fraud case
• Market Value Appraisal - waterfront residential properties for estate purposes
• Pre and Post Foreclosure Review - Residential properties in Charlotte and Lee County Florida
• Market Value Appraisals - Light industrial use building for potential purchaser, divorce property settlement issue, office building and strip center for estate planning purposes and 100 plus acres of vacant land with mixed use zoning
Partners in Valuation: -Consulting services tailored to builders and remodelers. Click Here
Sandra Adomatis receives the Dr. William N. Kinnard Jr. Award. (Read more...)
Volunteer of
Distinction Award